Monday, June 7, 2010

Teaching Snapshot

Dr. Peterson asked us if we would create a "teacher snapshot." I'm Lori, and I taught tenth and eleventh grade English for five years at a small high school here in Utah. I began teaching right out of college, and the lunch ladies kept trying to charge me the student price. Actually, the student price was cheaper, so I should have taken them up on that! I learned so much about teaching writing from a fabulous mentor, Lorraine Wallace, who now teaches in the English Department here at UVU. I learned that I was the kind of teacher who valued individual students and was flexible enough to let them use their creativity. I then took seven years away from public education to raise my family. Now, here I am, ready to begin again and start a new chapter in my life!


  1. What fun... to read about what (who) inspired you! No doubt, you are all about inspiring your own students (and your teachers!).

  2. An inspirational teacher indeed! Thank you.

    Can't wait to read more :-)
