Monday, July 12, 2010

Webquest worth looking at
One of the units I'll be teaching this year is on Romeo and Juliet, and one of the concepts I love to teach is conflict, and this webquest combines the two. When we talked about true webquests asking students to create a new and unique product as the outcome, I had a difficult time picturing ways to do this. I think this webquest's assignment is excellent: it has students write their own modern day conflict and its resolution. I think this webquest that is already done for me could fit into my curriculum smoothly. I can really see myself using this in a few months:)

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat! And what I especially love is that you teach conceptually (not just Romeo & Juliet, but the concept of conflict within Romeo & Juliet!). It's good to know that we can find conceptually-based webqests... Hurray. If you think of it, drop me a line to let me know how it goes when you use this with your students.
